Lizzie - Classic Book Club

Welcome to Classic Book Club

Hello! I am Lizzie, and my main joy in life is reading books and thinking about books! I have so many thoughts about each book I read so wanted a place to record these thoughts, and a place where others who are reading the same book as me can share their thoughts about it too. I’ve tried to write my (often lengthy!) reviews of books so it feels like I am chatting with you as we read the book together, comparing thoughts at the end of a chapter and ideas of where the plot and characters may end up, wondering why the author has written a character or scene in a particular way and what they may be subtly trying to tell us about that character or scene. So enjoy reading along with me, and please get in touch, I’d love to be able to discover more about a favourite book from your thoughts on it.

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The Christmas Egg by Mary Kelly

Featured Book Review

Mary Kelly
The Christmas Egg

I chose this book as my Christmas reading book this year, as it’s always nice to read something with a Christmas theme at Christmas time, I feel. Plus it’s always a treat to read a British Library Crime Classic book which is a series that I adore, in fact I have to ration myself with reading these otherwise I fear I’d never read anything else! I’m interested in the sound of this one, and I’ve not read any of Mary Kelly’s books before. Read the full review

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